Thursday, September 12, 2013

Any News?!?

I know that I have been slacking on our blog recently because there is not much to update.  People are always asking us: "how is the adoption going?" "have you heard anything yet?" "when is he coming home?"  The answers are always the same: slow, nothing, don't know!  So many people are invested in our adoption process and we are so thankful for their constant encouragement and prayer in this time of waiting. 
Our paperwork has been in the Congolese court system since June 17th.  We were told that we should hear something in about 2 months.  Well, we are coming up on the 3rd month of waiting.  Our agency contacted the lawyer at the beginning of the week to check on our case.  We still have not heard from him as of tonight.  We will continue to wait and trust in the Lord's perfect timing.
The ever-changing process of the DR Congo let us know that now we will need to stay in the country for 3 - 5 weeks to finish the adoption.  We were told at the beginning of the process that we should expect to stay 7 - 14 days.  Big difference, huh?!?  Lol!  We know that it could change 5 times before we actually travel so we just wait.
If we do have to stay for 3 - 5 weeks, Jason would stay for 10 - 14 days to do his part of the interviews then he would come home to work and help with the children.  So, if you want to travel to a 3rd world country, sleep on a board, swat mosquitos all day, eat fufu, and entertain a 7-year old, then let me know!  You can come visit me!  Lol!  :)
Seriously, we know all the timelines, the court process, the travel, and the in-country stay are in the Lord's hands.  We continue to put our trust in Him, seek Him, and grow in a deeper relationship with Him through this process. 
Here is a picture of our precious boy: 

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