Thursday, January 10, 2013

Let the Journey Begin . . . AGAIN!

What?!?  Yes, we are adding to our little family of "5" to make us a little family of "6!"  What an awesome way to share with the blogging world our wonderful news about what the Lord is doing in our family!  It started when we returned home with Macy back in 2010.  Jason and I both knew that the Lord was not finished with our family yet.  Fast forward to the beginning of 2012!  We talked about adoption all the time, prayed that we would not get ahead of the Lord's timing, researched different countries that the Lord was putting on our hearts, stalked the Rainbow Kids' waiting child list, and waited in anticipation.  This past fall, we saw a few older boys (3 - 6 years old) on the waiting child list that had no special need except they were older.  We knew at this point that the Lord was calling us to adopt from Africa.  We both just prayed for the boys and one particular boy continued to be brought to our hearts.  I couldn't stop thinking about him.  We contacted the agency to find out more about him.  We found out he lived in the Democratic Republic of Congo and he was 5 years old.  They couldn't give us any more information until we were done with a homestudy.  (tons of interviews, paperwork, fingerprinting, physicals)  So, we started working with a homestudy agency out of Nashville last week.  I am working extra hard to get done with all the paperwork so we can get his medical information to move forward.  My goal is to be done with everything by the end of the month.  (type A personality)  The whole process will take about 9 - 12 months give or take some.  We will just wait on the Lord's timing!
We are so excited to see what the Lord is going to do through this adoption to continue to bring glory to His name!  We are not extraordinary people but only people that are being obedient to His calling on our lives.  When we continue to put our faith and trust in Him, he calls us to do amazing, crazy, life-changing, and scary things!  Adoption is not an easy road but one that the Lord will guide us every step of the way.  We will keep you up-to-date on the process and ask that you pray for us.  Thank you for being a part of this awesome journey of bringing home our son!  :)

P.S. We will share with you next week about our first fundraiser.        

P.S.S.  I will leave you with this powerful video about caring for the orphans.   

1 comment:

Heather Iseminger said...

Wendy! I am SO incredibly thrilled for you and Jason! Adoption has always had such a strong pull on my heart. What a powerful example your family is in caring for those God commanded us to:-)