Monday, January 14, 2013

Fundraiser #1

Adoption is an amazing journey that is a huge step of faith.  The cost of adoption is one aspect of that huge step of faith.  Domestic and international adoptions cost anywhere from $15,000 - $45,000 to bring a child into your family.  We know the Lord is going to meet that financial need in unique and creative ways.  We are going to work extra hard to cut back on our budget, add to our savings, apply for grants, host a painting party, host a family night meal, host a yard sale, care for an extra child during the week, sell bracelets, and promote "Change for Congo."    
Fundraiser #1 - MudLOVE bracelets $10 each
Each bracelet that is sold will help us bring our son home.  Thank you in advance! :)
Update:  WOW is all I can say for the very first day of sales.  We had to put in another order because they are selling so well.  If you want a specific color that we don't have right now, it will be coming in the next week or so.  Thanks again! 
BLESSED bracelets come in a variety of elastic bands.  Turquoise, Purple, Hot Pink, Lime Green, Blue, Red, Yellow, and White   
LOVE bracelets come in red and blue.  

If you are our local friends, just let Jason or myself know what kind (LOVE or BLESSED), color of band, and how many.  We will deliver your order to you.  Your method of payment can be cash, check, or PayPal. 

If you are our out of town friends, just leave a comment on this post or message me on Facebook with your name, address, order (what kind, color of band, and how many) and method of payment.  Your method of payment can be a check or PayPal.  Just click on the PayPal link on the right side to make a payment. 

We know the Lord is going to use this fundraiser not only to help bring our son home but spread the awareness of 147 million orphans needing families.  When you wear your bracelet, you are telling their story.  Thanks again!  :)

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