Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Half-Marathon Runner

Jason ran in his 4th Half-Marathon this past weekend in Memphis at the St. Jude Marathon! (without his pregnant wife; so sad) Our goal has always been to break the 2 hour limit and we have gotten better with each marathon. So, Jason said that this was the time to beat it because I wouldn't be holding him back! Ha Ha Ha!!! As we were waiting and watching for him to come into AutoZone Park, we knew he had to come in before the official time clock of 2:07 to beat the goal. Landon and I stood up in the bleachers with 2:03 on the official clock and then about 30 seconds later I saw him come through the outfield fence. I started yelling "there he is, there he is, he is going to beat it!!!" He did beat it with an official time of 1:57! We were so proud of him and his big accomplishment. He worked hard in his training and he deserved to beat it! Now, that means that I am running the St. Jude Half-Marathon next December to beat his time and set another record time. :) Enjoy the pictures of the weekend!
Arriving in the hotel
Landon taking a picture of Daddy before eating at Fazoli's!

Race morning - Temperature: 32 degrees with a wind chill of 27 degrees

Landon had two layers of clothing on, hat, gloves, double coat, and the blanket for extra warmth

Last minute Powerade

Starting line

Go Jason!

Where's Jason? See if you can find him!
Crossing the Finish line
He is giving us a fist pump after he found us in the stands!

Nice sweatcicles

1 comment:

Jessica said...

will we be seeing y'all in april? billy's gonna run the music city 1/2 and I think bj is too.