Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas with the Allison's

The start of our Christmas trips started this past week. We had Christmas Eve-Eve with Jason's family to begin the festivities. Nana helped the kids with different cookie projects and they loved it! On Wednesday, they made and decorated cookies to leave for Santa that night. I know that Santa enjoyed them very much! We had a great time with his family and are very thankful for all of them. (Also, thanks for the great gifts!)
Alli and Landon ready to make their Santa

He loved licking the chocolate off his hands

Everyone in on the action

Landon tasting to see if it is good or not

All the Santas
Cousins: Chase, Alli, Reed, and Landon (also Uncle Brian)
Next year, we will add Brady to the mix!
Opening a book
Helping Nana open her present

Fun times
Nana & Papa sent the kids on a scavenger hunt around the house to figure out their last present. They had clues and presents to open at each station. The last clue was the carport where all the kids got new bikes for Christmas. Landon asked if he could ride it but didn't know that it was actually his to take home. He has been riding in the garage and can't wait for it to get warm so he can ride around the track!

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