Thursday, August 12, 2010

Young Artists

We have been doing lots of arts and crafts the past few days. I found a website that has simple crafts for a 1, 2, and 4 year old that you can modify to meet their needs. Macy got so excited when she saw me getting the chairs down to sit around the table. Each one sat patiently as I got all the materials together. We made an apple collage out of scraps of construction paper. I cut out Macy and Brady's apples and put glue on it for them. Then, their job was to cover all the glue with the scraps. Macy put about 3 on her apple then starting doing the sign for "all done!" I helped her put the others on the apple. She sat longer waiting on the supplies than actually doing the craft. :) As many of you know Brady, he is all-boy and doesn't like to sit still very long. Well, he worked for 10 minutes straight putting every one of his scraps on his apple. I only helped him with the very last one. He was so proud of himself. Landon had to draw his own apple, put on his glue, cover his apple, and cut it out. He did a great job. More to come . . .

Brady "pointing" to where he is suppose to put the paper!

Macy saying "eeee" for the camera!

Working hard
Such a big boy (notice Brady's hands still working)
Group shot
While "The Littles" were sleeping today, Landon and I made footballs in honor of the upcoming Jamborees this weekend. We colored the ball, glued the football grips on, cut them out, stuffed them with newspaper, and stapled them together. He had a blast with the stapler! :)

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