Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Fun Times

Brady was 7 weeks yesterday! I can't believe it! Each day is a new day with him dealing with his eating, sleeping, playing, and growing! He is not on any type of schedule right now and basically does what he wants when he wants. (nice he can do it now) Landon is still very fond of him and wants to know what he is doing at all times. Enjoy the pictures!

7 weeks
He was smiling then looked away as I was taking the picture!

How sweet!

Brotherly Love
Landon eating yogurt for dessert today! Silly guy!

1 comment:

Candiss Fortenberry said...

Is that outfit a hand me down from Landon. I have one just like it that was a hand me down from andrew for elijah!! I bet we got it at the same shower!! so cute by the way!!